Finding a Black therapist in Durham, NC
You live in a beautiful mosaic of community right here in Durham, NC. You’ve found your people but that doesn’t mean that you won’t ever need additional support and community. You have things that weigh on you, just like anyone else, and you want to find a Black therapist in Durham, NC that you can connect with and lay some of those burdens down. If you are looking for a Black therapist in Durham, I’d love to help you get connected with quality care. You deserve it and you are worth it!
I want to get you connected to a Black therapist in Durham, NC
Hop on some directories and do a search in your area:
One of the first places people search for a therapist is in directories such as Psychology Today. But did you know about “Therapy for Black Girls”? You can find black providers in both of these free-to-search directories. Also, if you are looking for teletherapy in North Carolina then you can broaden your search to other zip codes within your state. Try searching North Carolina more broadly, rather than restricting to your specific zip code.
Ask your friends - “You know any great Black Therapists in Durham, NC?”:
This can take some vulnerability but your courage might also be met with connection. If you ask and they share, then you both know you are in the boat together. Remember to ask them - what do you like about that provider? What was not a fit for you about that provider/What didn’t you like? You know they will give you the tea, so ask!
Call your insurance company and ask for referrals:
Have you called your insurance company and asked for a list of mental health providers? This can be helpful but it can also be overwhelming. Generally, the list is long and you have to do some sifting and sorting, but it is still a great option if you are wanting to see a provider who is in-network with your insurance.
Pick 3-5 names of folks you want to work with:
The first person you pick may not be a good fit for a variety of reasons - connection, services they offer, schedules, finances, etc. You will be less disappointed if you have a few names that you are interested in. I also try to keep connections with other black therapists so I can refer people with ease.
Request a FREE consultation:
After you identify a handful of therapists you want to work with place some calls and send some emails. Don’t be shy. Tell them what you are looking for. This is sometimes the hardest step, especially if you’ve never done it before. Remember, you are talking to a therapist. They already know how hard it was for you to call and they should make you feel seen, heard, and validated even in the consultation. If you feel anything other than that, cross them off the list and move on. Do remember that the call is 15 minutes and you can’t always get an accurate read in that time frame, however, don’t ignore your gut. There’s someone for you and that’s what’s most important. Not every therapist is for you and that’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with you, it’s just not the right fit and it’s great when you know this because then you save yourself time and energy and hopefully unearth the connection that’s best for you.
Would you like a free consultation with a Black Therapist in Durham, NC?
These are just a few tips, and I hope they help you identify the right Black therapist in Durham, NC for you. If you are still feeling like you have no idea where to begin, give me a call at (919)213-9894 for a free 15-minute consultation. I would love to hear from you and get a sense of what’s going on so that I can help direct you to the right person. If you are a Black Mom and you are looking for help during pregnancy, postpartum, or your transition to motherhood, you can read more about how I can help here. Additionally, if you are seeking Christian Counseling or therapy that integrates your spirituality even if you don’t check a specific religious or spiritual identity box, reach out to me. I offer therapy for a variety of presenting concerns and my specialties included perinatal mental health, working with moms, dads, and non-birthing partners, Christian Counseling, and Therapy for Spiritual Misfits. If we are a fit, I’ve got a teletherapy chair with you in mind. Call or complete the contact me form on this page.
Image by StefanDahl via CanvaPro