FAQs about Christian Counseling in Durham, NC
The number of Black therapists in Durham, NC is on the rise. While it can sometimes be hard to find one with an opening, you have such a diversity of clinicians to select from. This can be overwhelming in as much as it is great. You’ve finally selected a therapist but you find yourself left with so many questions about what therapy actually is. So many questions flood your mind. You are not the first one to ask these questions. Let me see if I can help you out with a few of the questions I hear from prospective clients about Christian Counseling in Durham, NC.
Clients often start their work with a therapist and then realize they have several questions about the therapeutic process and how the journey is going. This is great! It’s even better when you feel like you can press pause and ask your therapist those questions and offer feedback about how the therapeutic process is going. Here are some questions that may come up as you begin your work with your new therapist and more specifically with a therapist specializing in Christian Counseling in Durham, NC.
FAQs about therapy and Christian Counseling in Durham, NC
Does it mean something is “wrong” with me if I go to therapy? Do I have to be struggling with mental illness before I come to therapy?
No, not at all. First, let’s debunk the bias in this question that mental illness is wrong. Even if you did have a mental illness that doesn’t make you wrong, bad, or broken. Let’s say however you have no idea if you have a mental health diagnosis. Maybe you don’t at all, but you really feel that you could benefit from therapy. This is actually a great place to seek services. It allows you to be proactive and get a mental health check-up in a way. It’s important to note that if in fact you do not have a diagnosis you may need to talk to your provider about self-pay rather than using your insurance benefits because utilizing your insurance assumes there is a diagnosis. More often than not there is a diagnosis even if it is not severe. Talk to your prospective therapist about this and how they handle it.
I’ve been thinking about therapy, but how do I know if I actually need therapy? Can’t I just talk to God about all of these things?
Honey, you can talk to God about everything. Just remember that God also gives us resources. Therapy is one of them and it might be a part of the answer that God gives you. Therapy is a tool and God has gifted and equipped many trained Christian Counselors right here in Durham, NC. Don’t block your own blessing. If you want to work with a therapist who can help you reconcile the discomfort you feel with seeking help from a professional and how that interacts with your faith, I can help you work through it. In fact, I’ve struggled with this question in my own wellness journey, and have witnessed therapy enhance my relationship with God rather than hinder it. You can experience this too, contact me today.
Will it be okay to talk about how my faith impacts what I bring to therapy? Is this therapist going to think I’m “crazy” because I’m talking about God?
This question exposes the other side of the coin. Let’s be real, not every therapist is equipped to talk with you openly about your faith tradition and integrate it into your mental health journey. All therapists should be trained to incorporate spirituality and religious beliefs into therapy when it is important to the client, but some are uncomfortable with it. Integrating faith into my mental health and wellness journey has been important to me both personally and professionally, and that is why I pursued both clinical and theological training to better learn to integrate the two. I can provide you with quality mental health care that integrates your perspectives as a person of faith.
I’m a Christian, and I appreciate being able to work with a Christian Therapist, but I don’t want everything to be “God, God, God….” is that cool?
Yes! There may be sessions where we talk about your faith minimally or not at all, and there may be other sessions where it seems more front and center to what you are bringing in. I will never force a client to talk about their faith or anything else for that matter.
I hope this helps you find a great-fit therapist for Christian Counseling in Durham, NC. If you are still feeling stuck and have other questions please don’t wait, call me today at 919.213.9894 and get scheduled for your free 15-minute phone consultation. It would be my pleasure to hear about where you are and what you are looking for. I hold all journeys as sacred and I want to help you get connected as soon as possible. It can be hard to reach out that first time so if you prefer to send your request in writing, complete this Contact Me form.
Images by Nicolas Menijes used with permission via CanvaPro